I am excited to see him pitch. Kid and wife duties may interfere, but I intend on getting somewhere near Fenway the night he debuts for the Sox. If I can't get in the ballpark, I'll pull up a stool at Game On or Boston Beer Works and watch the show. I have no idea whose spot he'll take. Maybe Dice K goes back on the DL, maybe they invent a boo boo for Beckett or Lester. Maybe Wake takes a breather or they trade Brad Penny. Doesn't matter to me.
In quickly persuing the Red Sox schedule, if all goes to plan, he would likely make his first start at home against the Yankees around June 10th or so. The old yard will be hopping that night. And, the very next weekend, the Sox host the Atlanta Braves, Smoltz old team which he pitched 21 years for. Wouldn't that be appropriate and I wouldn't doubt that Smoltz is pushing for the opportunity to pitch against an organization that didn't show him much love in the offseason. Can you tell that I'm excited?
Actually, my math might be off slightly. He's probably looking more like June 15th or so. He might miss the Braves, too. Either way, I'm drinking the Smoltz Cool Aid.